
We provide a wide range of opportunities for experiencing ministry.


We provide a wide range

of opportunities for

experiencing ministry.

Life Groups

We all have a desire to belong and connect with a group where we are valued and can be productive for and in the Kingdom of God. Promise Life Groups are structured in a way that allows you to grow in your walk with God, meet other believers, and connect with The Promise family.
Teaching, discussion, worship, and fellowship are the foundations of our groups. Our mid-week Life Groups are centered around a question and answer discussion about the weekend message.
Come and find a place where you can meet, connect, and grow with others from the Promise.
Current Life Groups

Life Groups

We all have a desire to belong and connect with a group where we are valued and can be productive for and in the Kingdom of God. Promise Life Groups are structured in a way that allows you to grow in your walk with God, meet other believers, and connect with The Promise family.

Teaching, discussion, worship, and fellowship are the foundations of our groups.
Our mid-week Life Groups are centered around a question and answer discussion about the weekend message.
Come and find a place where you can meet, connect, and grow with others from the Promise.
Current Life Groups


There are times in our lives when we need to seek help from a person that

is professionally trained to provide guidance, assistance and healthy solutions to our problems.

The Promise Church offers free and insightful counseling to our members.

We only refer to Professional Counselors who have been recommended by our Pastoral Staff and have gone through our interview process.

Suggested Counselors

Ministries The Promise Church endorses:

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